Impact harnesses the power of positive thinking and goal setting.


Recently we had the opportunity to take part in a seminar with international speaker, author and creator of Goal Mapping, Brian Mayne as he addressed business leaders within The Alchemists Forum. During a time where positivity and looking towards future business targets has been a challenge for many, Brian shared insights and tips which can be applied to your personal and business life to help you reach your goals.

In this time of change it’s so important that we recognise the inability to control the force of change that comes into our lives. We do have the power to decide how we react to change through our viewpoint, attitude and the decisions that we make.

It may sound simple, but it is crucial to understand that the thoughts you have control how you feel on a day to day basis. In today’s professional world, it is more necessary than ever to practice the art of thinking positively. This will ultimately make you feel happier, motivated and more creative in the workplace. Once you have adjusted your mind set, this is where goal setting can come into play.

In both our personal and professional lives, it’s important to make sure we don’t let fear get in the way of potential opportunity. We need to know where we want to go and be clear on the direction. To aid us on our journey we should establish goals. Brian describes the role of goals as “Our beacons of light to help us stay focused while riding the winds of change.” When the course gets a bit rocky or we begin to wander astray, our goals should act as our anchor points to keep us headed in the right direction.

When setting goals Brian highlights how it is essential to combine vision and creative ideas. For example, mix right-brain creative concepts including pictures and words with left-brain elements like strategy, planning and action. Whilst pictures connect with our subconscious mind, and words are more impactful on our conscious mind.

Setting your Goals

Whether you’re setting a workplace goal or personal goal, it needs to be structured and have an end date to keep you accountable. When creating our goal maps, we will focus on the following to ensure we are setting attainable and realistic goals to further personal and professional growth:

·         What do we want to achieve?

·         What does success look like?

·         Why do we want to achieve this goal?

·         What actions will we take to get there?

·         What help do we need to achieve the goal?

·         When the goal will be achieved?

It was interesting to learn from Brian that the first 30 days are most important when setting a goal. The more you think about the goal early on, the more you strengthen the goal connection and the more likely it is that you will achieve your goal.

We must always remember that with change comes new opportunities to succeed, so we should continue to think positively and embrace change as much as we can!

Team Impact. X


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