Wilson Power & Energy ‘charges’ forward helping businesses achieve energy independence
Andrew Wilson & Peter Watson, Owners and Directors of Wilson Power & Energy
With customers seeking to establish energy independence and future-proof their operations, Dromore-based Wilson Power & Energy has revealed significant growth in 2023 with a 47% increase in projects over 250kWp, bringing the total of Solar PV generation installed to 4.95MW in 2023. This year has seen a particular focus in microgrids which incorporate solar PV, battery energy storage and wind generation.
The company has played a leading role in developers’ projects which scale up to 3.8MW onsite generation as well as working independently across Ireland, with several projects in the pipeline for mainland UK in 2024. They have grown their team by 300% in 2023 in response to increased customer demand. The company’s expertise in developing solutions that enable energy independence and business continuity across the manufacturing, technology, hospitality, healthcare and agriculture sectors has been a key for unlocking exponential growth for the company.
The team’s knowledge stems from over 35 years combined in-house experience in the UPS and battery (secure power) industry, which is still a very important area of growth for them in the healthcare sector and with small and large scale data centres.
Commenting on the team’s continued success Owner & Director Andrew Wilson said, “Growing political instability in oil-producing nations, the resulting volatility around energy prices, and an emphasis on strengthening green credentials have led companies of all sizes and backgrounds to evaluate their reliance on imported energy sources. An easy answer for many organisations is to take control of their own energy production and consumption through the development of an on-site microgrid.”
By incorporating renewable electricity generators like Solar PV and wind turbines with on-site storage solutions, microgrids are self-contained energy systems which can power a range of sites like factories, hospitals or data centres and enable a site to become self-sufficient and take control of energy costs. A microgrid allows a business or organisation to generate and store their own energy on-site, reducing their reliance on the public grid infrastructure.
Commenting why this is more important than ever for local businesses particularly, Peter Watson, Owner & Director of Wilson Power & Energy said, “Following System Operator NI (SONI)’s recent indication of a slightly higher risk to supply due to the recent closure of Kilroot power station, more local businesses are reviewing their continuity plans and seeking to establish energy independence. Not only do solutions like on-site microgrids help businesses to stabilise their costs and maintain competition within their markets, they can also help ensure business continuity in moments of uncertain power supply.”
Wilson Power & Energy’s growth has not been limited to the Island of Ireland. Bolstered by unrivalled knowledge and experience built over more than 35 years combined inhouse experience supporting the largest data centres and blue-chip companies in Europe, the team have also enjoyed continued growth in their client base in Continental Europe and the UK mainland with their role in a number of large-scale developments in the UPS, Secure Power and Renewable sectors already secured for 2024.
“We anticipate continued expansion over the coming year through fulfilment of contracts across UK, Ireland, Europe in a range of sectors from hospitality to healthcare, manufacturing, agriculture and even for major operators in the telecoms and data storage sectors,” Andrew Wilson said.
“Our team continues to set standards locally and internationally, driven by its specialisation in renewable energy systems, exclusive supplier relationships, and commitment to innovation and sustainable practices. We are delighted that our expertise continues to be recognised through new client wins and continued work with existing clients as their requirements evolve.”
Wilson Power & Energy’s portfolio boasts myriad success stories, ranging from solar installations empowering local businesses and organisations, to energy-efficient solutions that significantly reduce carbon footprints. Recently they secured a 5 + 2-year maintenance contract with the Northern Ireland Health Trust and are currently installing four Schneider UPS (uninterrupted power supply) and 23 IPS (instant power supply) solutions at Belfast’s Royal Victoria Hospital. These projects not only highlight the company's technical prowess but also underscore its dedication to creating a greener future for the community and working to help organisations enhance their energy performance.
For more information about Wilson Power & Energy, visit www.wilsonpowerandenergy.com.