Telling your brand story with Impact.

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Recognising and developing your brand story is a crucial step in being able to successfully market your business. How you tell your brand story and what you say when you’re telling it should be addressed right at the beginning, in the early days. It is an important tool which will help you connect to your customers, communicate your organisation’s mission, ethics, and successes. Storytelling is also a powerful way to get the attention of your audience and build lasting connections. The most successful businesses use their brand stories to forge meaningful relationships that go beyond the product or service.  

It’s hard to know where to start when you’re just beginning to communicate your brand story. Which words to you use? Which communications channels? What is tone of voice? If you need help telling your brand story, you have come to the right place! Creative brand storytelling is our passion, it’s what we’re known for, what we’re good at, and what we love to do! For many years, our experienced team has brought brand stories to life for a wide range of businesses, charities, organisations – and even individuals. 

So, how do we start writing your story? 

We build meaningful relationships  

No story can exist without its characters, so the first thing we want to know is everything about you. Our team will take the time to learn about your business, the team behind the brand, everyone’s roles and responsibilities and generally – what makes you tick.  

We want to know where you started and how you’ve got to where you are now, why you’re excelling in your industry, and why you’re different from others. What are your company values and how can your target audience relate to your brand story? In short – what makes you special? 

The foundations of all stories are built on research, time, relationships and trust. To help us form your story we make it a priority to build your trust in us, as we become a valued extension of your team, who is there for help, support and advice whenever it’s needed.  

We begin to lay out the chapters of your story 

Once our relationships are formed and the characters are identified, we begin to equip ourselves with the information needed to write each chapter of your story. Now is the time to nail down key news in the pipeline and projects to determine exactly how they are going to be communicated within your brand story. 

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Key elements to a great brand story include meaning, authenticity, emotion, relatability, and personal connection. With these elements in mind, we work with you to uncover which client and/or project wins, cases studies, areas of company development and expertise and charity or community work will add strength to your brand story, helping to tell it in an effective way. We will also distinguish which stories will not.  

When working to establish relationships on your behalf with your audiences, whether they are members of the media or your social media community, it’s important to realise the negative effects that unhelpful, ‘non-stories’ can have on your reputation and how you are perceived within the media. When our team is planning the chapters of your brand story we always refer to our ‘is it newsworthy?’ checklist, which we’ve shared below!  

If a particular piece isn’t newsworthy this doesn’t mean we won’t find a place for it in your story – content can be used in a multitude of different and effective ways across many paid, earned, owned and shared communications channels!  

We bring your story to life!  

This is where the real fun and hard work begins! Once we determine the direction we’re heading in it’s time to add some life and colour to the pages of your brand story. Utilising the talent and skills of our extended team of creative designers, photographers, videographers, and animators we can help ‘up your game’ in terms of brand design and the impact of your content.  

Once your brand design and tone of voice is in place, our team will begin to develop the right content that will best tell your story to its target audience. This includes developing a content strategy that is right for you and your brand, tapping into your overall business objectives, and exploring both traditional and digital communications that could span across broadcast, online and print news, social media, blogger and influencer engagement, website content generation, advertising placements, and even in-person or virtual events and experiences.  

Working closely with clients, we bring their stories to life in the most effective way to ensure audiences can connect and relate to each message that is communicated in a real and meaningful way.  

We read it aloud for all to hear 

The last step on your brand storytelling journey is a simple one. Once the foundations are established, the chapters have been put in place and each page has been brought to life, then it’s time to get your story out there!  

Over many years our team has developed an abundance of meaningful relationships with media, influencers, and industry networks throughout the UK, Ireland and further afield. Using these relationships, we will ensure your story gets in front of the right people so that your voice is heard exactly where it’s needed.  


If you want to make an impact with your brand story get in touch with our team today!   


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